segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012

Saints row the third codigos

Para utilizar códigos/dicas em Saints Row the Third basta digitar no telemóvel do seu personagem o seguinte:

 Códigos Gerais:


Aumentar notoriedade no gang – lolz
Aumentar a notoriedade na polícia – pissofpigs
Modo sangrento – notrated
Cidadãos Bebados – dui
Dinheiro – cheese
Sprint infinito – runfast
Sem notoriedade na polícia – goody goody
sem notoriedade no gang – oops
Pimps and Hos – hohoho
Zombies – brains 

Códigos metereológicos:

Céu limpo – clearskies
Chover muito – heavyrain
Chover pouco – lightrain
Nublado – overcast

 Códigos para armas:

45 Sheperd – givesheperd
Apocafist – giveapoca
AR 55 – givear55
AS3 Ultimax – giveultimax
Baseball Bat – givebaseball
Chainsaw – givechainsaw
Cyber Blaster – givecybersmg
Cyber Buster – givecyber
D4TH Blossom – giveblossom
Electric Grenade – Giveelectric
Flamethrower – giveflamethrower
Flash Bang – giveflashbang
Grave Digger – givedigger
Grenade – givegrenade
K-8 Krukov – givekrukov
KA-1 Kobra – givekobra
M2 Grenade Launcher – givelauncher
McManus 2015 – givesniper
Mini Gun – giveminigun
Molotov – givemolotov
Nocturne – givesword
RC Possesor – givecgun
Reaper Drone – givedrone
Respect – whatitmeanstome
Shield – giveshield
RPG Launcher – giverpg
S3X Hammer – givehammer
SA-3 Airstrike – giveairstrike
Satchel Charges – givesatchel
Shock Hammer – giverocket
Sonic Boom – givesonic
Stun Gun – givestungun
TEK Z-10 – givetek
The Penetrator – givedildo
Viper Lazer Rifle – giveslm8

 Códigos de tráfego:

Veículos não sofrem dano – vroom
Destruição de veículos – isquishyou

 Códigos de veículos:

Challenger – givechallenger
Condor – givecondor
Estrada – giveestrada
Gat Mobile – givegatmobile
Knoxville – giveknoxville
Municipal – givemunicipal
Nforcer – givenforcer
Pheonix – givepheonix
Reaper – givereaper
Spectre – givespectre
Squasar – givesquasar
Status Quo – givestatusquo
Taxi – givetaxi
Toad – givetoad
VTOL – givevtol
Ambulance – giveambulance
Anchor – giveanchor
Attrazione – giveattrazione
Bootlegger – givebootlegger
Challenger – givechallenger
Commander – givecommander
Eagle – giveeagle
Kaneda – givekaneda
Kenshin – givekenshin
Miami – givemiami
Peacemaker – givepeacemaker
Repaircar – repaircar
Sandstorm – givesandstorm
Shark – giveshark
Titan – givetitan
Tornado – givetornado
Wortex – givevortex
Vulture – givevulture
Widowmaker – givewidowmaker
Woodpecker – givewoodpecker

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